It's funny how life sometimes changes once you are married...oh, wait, how life MAJORLY changes once you are married (mostly for good, don't you worry!).
You live with your spouse. You sleep with your spouse. You eat with your spouse. You spend a lot of time together (hopefully), and you two have started to become "one," in more ways than you realize. You have probably had moments where you realized, "I would never have done this when I was single," or other endearing moments where you caught yourself thinking, "Yes, this officially makes me a real married person now." We asked for your answers to this fill-in-the-blank question, "You know you're married when _____________________." Some of these will make you smile and others will simply help you remember why nurturing your marriage is oh, so important! You Know You're Married When _________________
You stop looking up "Cooking for One," recipes.
You fold laundry together. There is no fear of judgement for passing gas or using the toilet with the door open. You can read his/her body language as well as you can your kiddo's. All the awkwardness is gone in all areas of your relationship! It's wonderful! You say the same things at the same time. You cut your husband's hair. You can sit next to each other and not have to be cuddling or holding hands. You have made-up words that only the two of you understand. You talk about money. A lot. You respond to your friend by saying, "Let me check with my wife..." You share everything - forks, spoons, cups...and sometimes towels. Truth. You go on midnight runs to the store to get Tylenol for your spouse. You spend more time doing yard work and chores than you have in a long time. You go to bed early because you don't have to stay up late anymore just to spend time together. You can go on road trips together and be perfectly okay with silence. You finish each other's sentences, but then remind each other that you like to finish your own sentences.
You whine about sharing a bed on a hot night, but when your spouse isn't there you can't sleep at all.
All of your decisions are made with your spouse in mind (thinking of the effect it will have on them as well as on yourself). You share inside jokes. You come up with all sorts of "good reasons" for buying another pair of shoes. You stop calling your mom everyday, and you call your husband instead. His socks are your socks (but not the other way around!). You remind each other about your weight-loss goals...and cheer each other on. Your needs are no longer always your first priority. You buy your first home together. Decorum becomes a distant memory. You are okay eating eggs and toast for dinner on a Friday night. You stay by each other's side during health struggles and chronic illness. You laugh about embarrassing things together. You know about each other's quirks and weird habits...and still like each other. You know something is bothering your spouse, just by looking at his/her face. You are okay if he says something ridiculous in front of your family. You make up little words or signs that mean "I love you." You argue over silly things, but then easily forgive each other and move on. You can tell each other everything. You talk about your period, whine about cramps, and ask him to bring you chocolate. You stop going on really expensive dates (wait - don't stop!!). You go out to dinner and eat half of his dinner because his tastes better than yours.
You only ask a portion of a sentence because your spouse knows what you are thinking...and correctly answers!
You have no qualms about using your spouse's deodorant if you run out. People see you and ask "Are you two just married?" You always fill up her water bottle in the morning. You spend Saturday mornings cleaning the house together. You are perfectly content sitting next to each other while you look at your phones. You can talk about hard things and still be friends and lovers. More than half of your texts to each other are about schedules, appointments, and picking things up from the store. A fun night out is a quiet night in. You wear his hoodie or shorts without even asking. You are perfectly fine getting dressed from the "clean laundry pile on the floor." You have legit arguments about stealing the blankies. You forget your anniversary. You laugh together over things nobody else would think are funny.
You don't go by your actual name anymore! "Babe," or "Honey," is the go-to name.
You talk to each other while one of you is using the bathroom.
You stop shaving your legs.
You shave your legs and your husband wonders what the special occasion is... You get momma bear responses when you feel someone has wronged your spouse. This is a legit feeling. You surf her Pinterest boards trying to find a gift she would like. You both randomly pick up dinner for the other on the same night. Kisses mean a lot more than they did when you were dating, but in a different, more meaningful way.
Comment below if you have found yourself doing any of these, or share your own "You know you're married when ___________________," and spread the love.
Photo Credit: Caitlinn Mahar-Daniels
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1. when you both see something that's hilarious and just look at each other first, then both start laughing together. 2. when one spouse is allergic to xyz, it's no longer in the home so everyone is basically on the same diet 3. you feel like you're able to start those two businesses you've always dreamed of starting (fun article, thank you!)
5/30/2016 06:21:54 am
1. You can talk to them while they in the bathroom taking a number two
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1/22/2024 09:02:27 am
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