Making love with your spouse is the pinnacle expression of love in marriage. It is sacred, beautiful, and real. Your sexual life with your husband or wife is special, and something you share only with each other.
While your bedroom should be your sanctuary as a couple, sometimes it can be romantic to make love in new settings. The novelty and newness will bring back a flood of excitement, along with pure feelings of love. Sex is an experience that married couples share together - and should share together regularly and often! Very often. It's a special way to serve each other and cultivate your relationship.
Achieving real marital intimacy requires the highest degree of trust and confidence from your spouse, and commitment to your spouse. The sexual relationship between you and your spouse is a great way to create, build upon, and nurture feelings of trust, confidence, and commitment. And we all recognize that it is perhaps the best way you can express your love to and for your husband or wife.
Sharing each other in a new (but still very private and intimate) environment that is different from "the norm," can add an extra something special to your marriage. Change is good for couples, and it's okay to think outside the box a bit. Plus, making love in new places is a great way to create sweet and unforgettable memories together! With that being said, here's our list of the 5 most romantic places to make love!
1) On the beach.
So so romantic. And it has to be so totally alone. In the dead of night. Yes, you should stay up until midnight or later, and then bring some blankets down to the beach to make love. 2) Under the stars. Now this just cries romance. And it can literally mean any special, private, and comfortable place outdoors and under the stars. Anywhere. All you need are some blankets to put under you and sheets to put over you. 3) On the couch. Cuddle up and watch a movie, and then just make out. If it leads to sex, the couch can be a very romantic place for some alone time late at night. You know it's true. 4) In the shower. How often do you and your spouse take showers together? If your answer is hardly ever or never, then try it out! Once you do, you will wonder why you don't do it more often! There is just something extra special about sharing a shower together. 5) In the woods. The next time you find yourself camping or hiking, find some desolate place to be utterly alone with your one and only. Spend time enjoying the beauty of this marvelous world, and the beauty of the loyal love that you two share. There you have it - five romantic places. We're sure you can come up with more. The point is to venture out and find intimate, sacred and private places to share love, other than just the bedroom. All with the hope of creating happy memories and stronger feelings of unity, loyalty, and love.
8/14/2015 02:23:14 am
I am always in love with your articles, i love this one too, keep up the good work. I will try out a few of the these tips with my wife this weekend lol
Aaron & April
8/14/2015 03:21:10 am
Thanks, Uche! We appreciate that. Enjoy your weekend! :)
12/11/2015 08:43:32 am
These are interesting ideas, though having sex in a public place can give you a huge fine and jail time. A couple was just sentenced to time in jail for having sex on the beach. Maybe they thought they were alone or secluded enough, but really, giving advice to do this is just bad.
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